Body Parts Are Not Trends

 Will it be curvy? How about hourglass? No, maybe pear?


I think it’s about time that we stop paying attention to (subconsciously) what shape or size society suggests is in this season and start owning and embracing the body we’re in.

I hear all the time “small boobs are in!” And while I love hearing women say that, I think we should be reframing it slightly to… NATURAL BODIES ARE IN!

• regardless of its shape
• regardless of its size
• regardless if it’s proportionate or not
• regardless if it has dimples or stretch marks.

Our body parts are not trends, ladies.

  • Big butts
  • Thin waists
  • Thick thighs
  • Large breasts

IT STOPS HERE. This year. 2020. No more! #SizeHappy

Our bodies are perfect machines.
Our body is a miraculous marvel.
Our body is OUR business.

There is, IN FACT, nothing wrong with your body, your face, your skin complexion, your eyelashes, your stomach, your stretch marks, cellulite, hair, teeth – I could go on and on…

naming off every body part and feature that THEY tell us “isn’t enough”… “is too much”.

I’m sorry (not sorry) F*ck that!

What IS wrong are companies telling you “this product will get you the guy… make you happy… and fulfill all your wildest dreams”.

Yeah. No. #FakeNews

Real is in, ladies. It’s making a comeback.

And it has nothing to do with size or shapes, weight or numbers.

Just good ol’ untouched, gracefully aging beauty. 

That’s what we are all about here at Size: Happy – join us!

here’s to self-love, health and vibing high,

Christina Roulund-Dennis

Founder of Size: Happy

Find me on social!!! Instagram Facebook Group YouTube

About me

Hi, I’m Christina. After ruining my body and health due to extreme dieting, over exercising and getting breast implants, it’s my mission to help others reprogram their subconscious mind to manifest a strong, healthy body and unwavering confidence!

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