About Christina

Helping Women Step Into Their Power & Manifest Their Dream Life!

What I Do & Who I Love Helping

Christina is a homeschooling mama to her son, a loyal wife, entrepreneur, speaker, and body image, confidence and manifestation expert.

She is passionate about helping women set their own standards and start living up to their own. 

She has been active in the online space since 2011 through her various online articles and publications, media interviews, coaching programs, and within her own online community.

Christina's Journey to Being Her Own Hero.

In 2018, Christina founded Size: Happy, a movement that enables women to break free from body image barriers that hold them back from living their best life. That same year, in August, Christina had her breast implants removed and created her Facebook Group, Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education with Christina.

Before Size: Happy was born, Christina worked with women for over a decade in the areas of health and fitness, specifically in the areas of weight loss, binging and emotional eating. She began to uncover a common denominator amongst women who were unhappy and unhealthy with their body and themselves as a whole.

She realized many women go down the same path she went down herself — they were turning to extremes, whether it be binge eating, bulimia, getting breast implants or other body-altering surgeries, to fit into what they felt were society’s expectations of them and what magazine covers were portraying as “the perfect woman.” Most of the women Christina had worked with, even women who appeared “fit and skinny,” were searching for an external source of confidence.

The Voice of Empowerment

Christina could relate in many ways to these women, as she was not always happy with herself and the direction her life was going. She struggled with low self-esteem as a young girl, which turned into eating disorders as a teenager, leading her to eventually get breast implants in her mid-20’s.

Since then, Christina has turned her pain into purpose and her mess into her message. Through her social media and online presence, Christina has set out to revolutionize the self-love industry by examining the underlying causes of low self-worth and unhappiness, and empowering women to remember who they are, reconnect to their authentic self and pursue all their wild, “unrealistic”, magical dreams.

Christina wants every woman to understand that everything you need to have, do and become it all is already inside of you.. All you need to do is believe that you deserve the best, remove everything and everyone that’s bringing you down and go after what lights you up and fulfills your life!

What You Can Expect


Since discovering The Secret at the age of 23, Christina has manifested some amazing people and experiences in her life and is sharing it all with you so that you can do the same.


Christina helps women uncover their fears and limiting beliefs holding them back and helps to reframe them into more empowering stories that motivate them to go out and be, do and have it all!

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Christina assists women through EFT sessions to help them overcome any worry, fear or negative self-talk holding them back so they rewire new beliefs on a subconscious and nervous system level.

Body Image & Confidence

Christina helps women unlearn the harmful societal messages surrounding body image and guides them towards self-love and acceptance.

Experience & Expertise

With over a decade of experience working with women in the areas of health, fitness, and body image, Christina brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her content.

Online Community

Christina has created her own online community, providing a supportive space for women to connect, share their experiences and expand their mind.