5 Things To Do When You’re having A Bad Body-Image Day

Have you ever not gone somewhere because you were feeling fat or ugly that day?

Wanna hear something bat-shit-backwards!?

After I got breast implants and went from an A cup to a D cup, I still was not 100% satisfied with my body after spending $4,500, risking my life and doing this in hopes to “look more like a woman.”

Shortly after my breast augmentation I began having thoughts like,

“Is he with me just for my boobs?”

“Would he be with me if I didn’t have big boobs?”

“Is she giving me a glare because I have breast implants?”

“I can’t wear that top, I’ll look slutty.” (when it was a normal top)


I think a lot of it has to do with feeling inadequate in some way. There’s something missing and we need to fix it.


It’s not our body that needs fixed. It’s actually our thoughts and the feelings we have about our body that needs work.

The best pieces of advice I can give you are:

1. Pick up some self-help books that empower you to see beyond your body size. My personal favorites are The Power is Within You and You Can Heal Your Life, both by Louise Hay.

2. Clean up your social media and then get off it for three days. The widespread use of social media in teenagers and young adults could increase body dissatisfaction as well as their drive for thinness, therefore rendering them more vulnerable to eating disorders. 1

3. Journal about the negative thoughts and feelings you are having about your body. What are they? Are they even true? I want you to then write down all the things that your body allows you to do.

4. Go through an EFT session for confidence, self-worth and happiness every single day.

5. Visualize/call in EXACTLY what you want. See it with your mind and feel it as though it’s already happened. 2

If you’re unhappy about how you look, the beautiful thing is you’re not stuck.

Do something about it!

Eat better, go for walks, hydrate your body, prioritize your mental health, leave the jerks behind, and start pouring into yourself like you expect Prince Charming to pour into you.

And remeber,

Beauty standards are flawed – not you.

  1. The widespread use of social media in teenagers and young adults could increase body dissatisfaction as well as their drive for thinness, therefore rendering them more vulnerable to eating disorders. ↩︎
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XIMwg2DrNg&list=PLL4yD9s_orP9cTPnRyTIZf0nZDvQr_sMd&index=1 ↩︎

About me

Hi, I’m Christina. After ruining my body and health due to extreme dieting, over exercising and getting breast implants, it’s my mission to help others reprogram their subconscious mind to manifest a strong, healthy body and unwavering confidence!

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