Loving The Body You’re Currently In Is Possible

Holding off loving your body until you:

– Lose those last 10 pounds

– Fit into a size five

– Weigh what you did in high school

– Cardio your cellulite away (which will never happen)

– Get rid of your lower belly pooch

– Have your binges under control

– Get your explant surgery

Can we commit towards trying not to do that anymore?

I just took a few minutes to sit back and think about when I was 25 years old, obsessing about weighing 112lbs, getting my binges under control and hoping to great lengths to get rid of my cellulite (which I still have and I’m 5’ 3” and 113lbs). If some stranger on the internet was telling me “just love and accept your body” I’d probably roll my eyes and say “it’s not that easy”. But I do have to say… anything… everything… starts with a thought, then a decision, then a commitment.

You don’t need to look any different to begin accepting your body. All you need to do is think differently about it.

– Appreciate it for forging you the luxury to experience life.

– Appreciate your legs for allowing you to walk through beautiful parts of this beautiful planet.

– Appreciate your arms for allowing you to hold your loved ones.

– Appreciate your stomach for growing a miracle child and to digest your food so that you have energy.

I know, trust me, how it feels to not love your body. I spent years trying to change something about it – my thighs, stomach, breast, arms, nose. Going under the knife. Hours in the gym. Comparing myself to others. Falling for Diet Culture behavior. Listening to “weight loss experts”. Ugh.

I’m telling you, if you take the time today to go through the below clarification questions, it will help you tremendously like it did me.

1. Is what I’m doing healthy and making me feel good?

2. What will weighing X or fitting in a size X honestly bring me that I can’t have now?

3. Which social media accounts do I need to delete for a little while bc they leave me feeling bad about my body?

4. What rules am I following (list them all)? Are some of these rules getting in the way of me listening to and trusting my body? Which ones?

5. What have people called me in the past that hurt my feelings? Write them down. Forgive each remark. Rip it up and blow it away with your breath saying “I forgive you” in your head.

6. What mean things do you say about yourself or your body? Write them down. Forgive each remark. Rip it up and blow it away with your breath saying “forgive me” in your head.

  • Put the scale under your sink.
  • Go through your closet and put all your skinny clothes in a bag.
  • Unfollow those accounts.
  • Move your body because you love it.
  • Run your hands over your body parts and send her love. You guys are a team and on the same side. She loves you and does the best she can every day. Now it’s your turn to love you and do the same.

You don’t need to look any different.

You just need to think different. 

And remember,

Beauty Standards Are Flawed – Not You.

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About me

Hi, I’m Christina. After ruining my body and health due to extreme dieting, over exercising and getting breast implants, it’s my mission to help others reprogram their subconscious mind to manifest a strong, healthy body and unwavering confidence!

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