5 Proven Steps To Lasting Body Acceptance

It’s not that I think my body is perfect all the time. It’s that I don’t dwell on the negative thoughts that come in from time to time for more than ten seconds. That’s the key. I also call myself out if I’m not living up to my standards, own it and then do something about it.

I firmly believe that starting something from a place of disgust will only get you so far. Being fed up about how you look is a great motivator. Being fed up with how you feel is an even better one!

Loving your body isn’t something that can be turned on with the flick of a switch. Think of it more like a dimmer.

You first become AWARE of a habit, behavior, thought, person, etc. that just isn’t working for you anymore. Nothing can be improved/fixed if you aren’t even aware of it happening. Read that again.

Once you are aware, it’s not the time to dwell or slip into guilt. It’s time to ACCEPT the fact that you wasted all that time and you are where you are. Take responsibility, then…

REFRAME your situation by AFFIRMING your way to your desired outcome. I will x, y, z. I’m so grateful I have a chance to x, y, z. Instead of “I have to”, say “I get to”.

And once all the mental aspects are complete, now is the time to take ACTION!

  1. Write out your goals. Be very specific. Have a deadline. BUT, if you don’t meet that goal by that deadline, again… don’t allow that expectation to deter you to the point where you lose all motivation. Be ambitious, but also realistic.
  2. Find a support system. Studies show that when you’re surrounded by people with similar goals and desires, you have a more enjoyable time and are x times more likely to hit those goals.
  3. Go into your Body Acceptance journey knowing that you will have days that you feel bad about your body. Because you will. It’s normal and to be expected. This is where the mental-part ‘Accept, Reframe and Affirm’ come in handy.
  4. Unfollow social media accounts right now that leave you feeling bad about your body. Follow 10 new accounts that inspire you!
  5. And lastly, and this is a process, appreciate your body for what she does… not just how she looks. Appreciate her for digesting your food, giving you strength to move, allowing you to see the wonders of the world. Trust her. Have patience with her. Care for her. Nourish her – mind & body.

What helped you get to a place of accepting your body a little more?

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About me

Hi, I’m Christina. After ruining my body and health due to extreme dieting, over exercising and getting breast implants, it’s my mission to help others reprogram their subconscious mind to manifest a strong, healthy body and unwavering confidence!

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