When You’re Dedicated to Exercise and Eating Healthier, THIS Shouldn’t Happen

You shouldn’t start hyper-focusing on your body and weight to the point that it begins to negatively affect your confidence, happiness, and body-image.

Instead: Once a week, weigh yourself, take measurements and snap progress photos. Preferably in the morning, before you use the bathroom and before you eat. Crush it during the week and know that your body and weight will change at a pace it’s comfortable with.

You shouldn’t avoid gatherings just because they’ll be food there that you’re trying to avoid.

Instead: Use it as an opportunity to build up your willpower. It’s unrealistic to go through life trying to avoid all the things that trigger you. Willpower and grit are built during the times you’re faced with making the right decision. If you have to, eat a snack before you go so that you’re less tempted to binge when you get there.

You shouldn’t try to aim for a size or shape that’s not meant for your body.

Instead: Exercise and eat in a way that leaves you feeling energized, happy and strong. It’s great to have a goal. Goals are good! But sometimes we find that our body feels better at a size or weight slightly bigger (or smaller) than what we want. This is where body-acceptance and focusing on your health play a huge role in your fitness journey.

Exercise and eating healthy 80% of the time is important for everyone. Not just those with health and fitness goals. And when I say exercise I mean any activity you enjoy that strengthens and conditions your body and cardiovascular system. We should all be moving our body and eating healthy, nourishing foods.

At the end of the day, getting in shape should INCREASE our confidence and IMPROVE our body-image. Not destroy it.

Things should feel flexible and fun. If it hasn’t felt that way in awhile, give yourself some grace and figure out what you need to do, drop or change for it to feel that way once again.

I’m rooting for you.

And remember,

Beauty standards are flawed – not you.

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About me

Hi, I’m Christina. After ruining my body and health due to extreme dieting, over exercising and getting breast implants, it’s my mission to help others reprogram their subconscious mind to manifest a strong, healthy body and unwavering confidence!

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