8 Things That Contribute To an unhealthy body-image – and how to fix it!

You weren’t born hating your body. You weren’t born caring about how much you weigh, the size of your jeans & bra, what your stomach does or how your thighs touch.

So what happened? And why?

This: Subtle remarks made by friends & family members and images on magazines, commercials and billboards. That’s what.

Your mind is like a sponge. It picks up on everything you hear and see, and forms a subconscious conclusion. Which often times is based upon past experiences, limiting beliefs and negative thoughts.

8 things that contribute to an unhealthy body-image

1. Your mom picking her body apart when you were a child.

2. Kids in school who commented on your body and weight.

3. The beauty industry’s unrealistic expectations of women & beauty.

4. The diet industry focusing on thin over healthy.

5. Magazines putting airbrushed females on their cover.

6. MTV music videos glorifying half naked women.

7. Social media.

8. TV shows that glamorize women who have plastic surgery and look a certain way.

So how can can you begin improving your body-image when so much has been bombarding you for mind so decades?

First, know your triggers! A trigger is something / someone / a thought / an environment that can set you off in .035 seconds. Figure out who and what triggers you to feel and think bad about your own body? That’s step one.

Second, remove yourself from those things, people, environments and social media accounts. If you can’t, then the next best thing is to minimize your exposure to them.

Third, surround yourself with people who inspire you to be, act and do better. Fill your time up with things that’s contribute to your happiness and health.

Lastly, be proud of yourself for going after what lights you up! For pursuing that goal. For finally walking away from things and people that no longer serve you. For showing up as you, for you.

It feels good, freeing… doesn’t it.

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About me

Hi, I’m Christina. After ruining my body and health due to extreme dieting, over exercising and getting breast implants, it’s my mission to help others reprogram their subconscious mind to manifest a strong, healthy body and unwavering confidence!

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